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Lecture Announcements
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Dec. 15  "Tradition in Art," 4 p.m., Metropolitan Museum, 82 St. and 5 Ave., N. Y. Other free lectures, 11 a.m., dates: 18, Paintings; 19, Lace; 20, European Decorative Arts; 20 and 27, Mediaeval Art.  At 2 p.m., dates: 15 and 16, Hellenistic Greece; 15, Ivories; 19, Oriental Art; 22, Silver; 22 and 23, Republican and Augustan Rome; 26, Classical Art; 20 and 30, Pagan Rome; 29, Muhammadan Crafts. At 3 p.m., Dec. 16, Modern Lighting.  At 4 p.m., dates: 16, Sources for Stage Settings; 18, Egyptian Art; 22, Sculpture of San Miguel de Cuxa; 23, Chinese Lowestoft; 29, Vistas of Education; 30, Modern Architecture and Industrial Arts.

Dec. 15 Forman T. McLean, "Growing Plants in Glass Houses."  Dec. 22, T. H. Everett, "Caring for Christmas Plants."  N. Y. Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, Bronx. 3.30 p.m. Free.

Dec. 15  22 and 29, Karl Kaufeld, "Reptiles," 2 p.m., Museum of Natural History, 77 St. and Central Pk. W., N. Y.  Free.

Dec. 15  Luncheon-meeting, 12.30 p.m., at Hotel Astor, Times Sq., N. Y., American Association for Social Security.  Topic, "Unemployment Insurance."  $1.50.  Reservations at 2 W. 17 St., N. Y.

Dec. 15  Roscoe Pound, "Needed Reforms in Criminal Procedure," 7.45-8 p.m., WABC.

Dec. 16  Mr. No-Yong Park, "Japanese Expansion and World Peace," 8 p.m., Community Church Center, 550 W. 110 St., N. Y. Other events, 8 p.m., dates: 18, George Soule, "New Republic" editor, "The Coming American Revolution" (25c); 23, Upton Close, free lecture; 30, free symposium, "What Is Coming in the Year Ahead?"

Dec. 16 "Russia's Contribution to Civilization." Dec. 30, "Cultural Implications of Economy of Abundance." American People's Schools, 67 Stevenson Pl., Bronx, at 4.30 p.m.  40c each, including refreshments.

Dec. 16  Free illustrated lecture, "New York During the American Revolution,"  4 p.m., Museum of the City of N. Y., 5 Ave. and 104 St.

Dec. 17 and 31, "Insects," 8 p.m., Museum of Natural History. Free.

Dec. 17  Wm. Murrell, "The American Note in Graphic Humor," 8.30 p.m., Whitney Museum, 10 W. 8 St., N. Y. 50c.

Dec. 17  "Art in America" broadcast: "The Contemporary American World."  Dec. 22, "The Modern Room."  Dec. 29, "The Modern House."  8-8.20, WJZ.

Dec. 17 Geo. Sokolsky, "What Next in the Far East?"  8.15 p.m., McMillin Theatre, Bway. and 116 St., N. Y. Other lectures, 8.15 p.m., dates: 18, Bradford Washburn, "Attack on Mount Crillon";
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19, Olga Samaroff-Stokowski, "The Role of Harmony"; 20, Louis K. Anspacher, "Goethe"; 21, H. V. Kaltenborn, "We Look at the World." $1 up.

Dec.18  Dr. Samuel Eliot Morison, "Intellectual Life in 17th Century New England," 4.15 p.m., N.Y. University, 100 Wash. Sq. E. Free.

Dec.18  Round table, "Personality in Relation to Vocational Adjustment," 8p.m., Rm. 200, 130 E. 22 St., N.Y.  Reservations: Blanche C. Greenberg, Assn. for Personality Training, 65 E. 96 St., N. Y.; ATwater 9-3318.

Dec. 18 Edward Weeks, "The Importance of New Books," 8:15 p.m., Brooklyn Academy, 30 Lafayette Ave., Bklyn. $1.

Dec. 18  Richard McKeon, "Nature and Experience in Political Theory," 8 p.m., Cooper Union, Astor Pl., N.Y. Free.

Dec. 18  Lecture on current topics, 8.15 p.m., Y.M.C.A., 5 W. 63 St., N.Y. Nominal fee.  Contract bridge party for men and women same eve.; 35c per person, including refreshments.

Dec. 18 and 25, Hendrik Willem Van Loon, "History Repeats Itself," 8 p.m., Rand School, 7 E. 15 St., N.Y. 50c

Dec. 19 Harry Overstreet, "Civilized Loafing," 8.30 p.m., Jamaica Jewish Center, 150-91 87 Rd., Jamaica. 50c.

Dec. 20 Hans Kohn, "The Smaller Powers--Hungary, Czechoslovakia," 8.20-10 p.m., New School, 66W. 12 St., N. Y. $1.

Dec. 20 Levering Tyson and Harry W. Laidler, "Our Changing Economics," 10.30-11 p.m., WJZ. 

Dec. 21 "Grand Opera," Allan Hinckley, 8 p.m., Y.M.C.A, 470 E. 161 St., Bronx, 25c. 

Dec. 21 Urbain Ledoux, "The Needed Revolution," 8.30 p.m., The Caravan, 106 W. 55 St., N. Y. Dec. 28, Special Holiday Program. 30c, each event.

Dec. 21 Lecture demonstration by Doris Humphrey on the modern dance, 8.20 p.m., New School, 66 W. 12 St., N. Y. $1.

Dec. 22 John W. Davis, "Fundamental Aspects of the New Deal from a Lawyer's Point of View," 7.45-8 p.m., WABC. 

Dec. 23 Nathaniel Peffer, 11 a.m., "War or Peace in the Far East?" Brooklyn Ethical Cultural Society, 30 Lafayette Ave., Bklyn. Free. 

Dec. 30 New Year's Symposium, "Facing the Future," 8 p.m., Bronx Free Fellowship, 506 W. 111 St., N.Y. Free. 

Calendar Continued on Next Page
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