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October 23, 1959

Dear Mr. De Caro:

Fulfilling my promise and as the catalogue is not yet ready, works by the following artists are to be included in our exhibit opening on November 16th:

Antoine BARYE (1795-1875)
Jacques BELLANGE (1607-1617)
Richard Parkes BONINGTON (1802-1828)
Jean BOURDICHON (1457-1521)
Jean Baptiste CARPEAUX (1827-1875)
Bernardo CASTELLO (1557-1629)
Theodore CHASSERIAU (1819-1856)
Jacques Louis DAVID (1748-1825)
Edgar DEGAS (1854-1917)
Gustave DORE (1832-1883)
Roger de LA FRESNAYE (1885-1925)
Eugene LAMI (1800-1890)
Bernardino LANINO (ca.1511-ca.1583)
Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier GAVARNI (1804-1866)
J.A.D. INGERS (1780-1867)
Jacopo PALMA IL GIOVANE (1544-1628)
Caldara De Caravaggio POLIDORO (ca.1490/1500-1543)
Pierre-Paul PRUD'HON (1758-1823)
Auguste RAFFET (1804-1860)
Odilon REDON (1840-1916)
Giovanni Domenico TIEPOLO (1727-1804)
Giuliano TRABELLESI (1727-1812)
Carle VERNET (1758-1836)
Joseph VERNET (1714-1789)
Paolo VERONESE (Studio of)(1528-1588)
Simon VOUET (1590-1649)

Thanking you for whatever publicity you may give this manifestation-


Mrs. Theresa D. Parker

Mr. John De Caro
New York Visitor's Reporter
251 West 40th Street
New York, N.Y.

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