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New York 22, New York

June 29, 1960

Dear Kate:

It was so pleasant to hear from you by your letter of June 22 while I am in New York for just a couple of days and this upon my return from Europe and before leaving for a much needed rest.  Do let me tell you that it is kind of you indeed to write as you did, and all the laudatory comments, I assure you, are much appreciated.

However, to my great regret, I am unable to give you a satisfactory answer for Mrs. T.D. Parker and I have for a year or so tried to reduce the number of artists we are representing.  It is just for the reason that you indicate: that is, the interest, which means a great deal of time that we take in the work of these different artists that we feel we cannot assume any further responsibilities.

We have considered it as a duty to give as much of ourselves as feasible to promote and encourage these young people; and we realize that we have already undertaken more than we can carry out if we want to do full justice to the efforts of our protégés.

Do believe me if I tell you I am truly distressed to have to write to you in this vein for our long friendship, as you write, grants you a special title to our attention and interest in your work.  But we do feel, Mrs. Parker and I, that we could not accept another talent and give it the proper encouragement.

Trusting you will understand the spirit which prompts me to write to you as frankly as I do, and with kindest thoughts in which Ethlyne joins me,

As ever your old friend,

Germain Seligman

Mrs. John Nichols
Hidalgo #8
Cuernavaca, Morelos