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September 4, 1957

Dear Dr. Pacht,

It had been my intention to follow up my letter of earlier this year by calling on you in Oxford and I am sorry that the changes brought about in my plans did not allow me to do this.

Your extremely pleasant lines of July 29 only reached me a few days ago as I have just now returned to New York and trust you will excuse my belated thanks for the information you so willingly imparted.

As I wrote you then it was at Mr. Percher's kind suggestion that I took the liberty of sending you the photograph and you will certainly understand my disappointment on reading your comments for had you shared my enthusiasm it could have added a new interesting chapter to the evolution of the "Livre des Tournois".

However yo have to expect such setbacks for after all this was the purpose of appealing to your connaisseurship and keen knowledge in this highly specialized field.

Thus do accept the renewed expression of my appreciation for conveying your opinion so freely.

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Dr. Otto Pacht
49 Woodstock Road
Oxford, England

