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October 14th, 1932.

My dear Georges:

I have been thinking of you from time to time during these last few months, because about a year ago we were together at Antibes and were having such a marvelous time. This year I had to spend the Summer in America and with bad times and really no very attractive place to go to, it was very different from last year.

Business is horribly slow and today I really had a good reason to write to you, because I just wrote Mr. Stathatos to tell him about the sale of Mr. George Blumenthal's Collection, which is going to take place in Paris, as you know. I thought, that as long as I was not coming over, it would give me an opportunity to keep in touch with him and also give to our conversation, which has so far been purely social, a mild flavor of business.

I do not know when we will be going over again and would be delighted if you send me a line to tell me how you are.

With best regards, kindly believe me

Yours sincerely,

(René Seligmann)

Baron Georges Pacquement,
Elysee Building,
56 rue du Faubourg-St. Honoré,
^[[pencil underline]]Paris, France.[[/pencil underline]]