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March 27th, 1974

Dear Mr. Pagano;

It gives me pleasure to send you herewith my firm's receipted invoice for your purchase of the painting

Bernardo STROZZI "The Annunciation"

in the amount of $17,000 (seventeen thousand dollars).

With it you will also find herein the exhaustive pamphlet referring to this canvas and containing detailed information which may be of interest to you.

The firm of Milani Movers is calling for the painting either today or tomorrow, and we expect to receive the Bill of Lading from Ordini Valperga, proving that the painting is being shipped to you to Genoa, as we need this document for tax purposes.

I take it for granted of course that [[underline]]you[[/underline]] have taken care of the insurance of the painting as soon as it will have left the Gallery.

I enjoyed this opportunity of making your and Mrs Pagano's acquaintance, and hope that your purchase of the painting will be a fruitful one.

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

P.S.- Will you kindly return one of the duplicate shipping notices herein included, acknowledging the safe arrival of the painting.

Mr. Piero Pagano
Rubinacci Antichità
Via Garibaldi N.8

[[image: pencil outline of tepee or elongated block A]]