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[[preprinted]] Lord & Taylor


November 5, 1941

Mr. Jeremiah Seligmann
47 East 61st Street
New York City

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

We invite you to a press showing of a series of new rooms by ^[[pencil underline]]William Pahlmann.[[/pencil underline]]

It is particularly appropriate that at this time, when South America is increasingly in the minds of the people of this country that Mr. Pahlmann should have sought his inspiration in the ancient and modern civilizations of our southern neighbors.

In a recent trip to the west coast of South America, he has gathered ideas and materials from the ancient Incas, their Spanish Conquerors and the gay and fascinating moderns. He has captured the color and mood of these people and embodied them in his latest and most unusual series of rooms.

Through the cooperation of the Peruvian government, Miss Rosa Alarco has been brought to New York, and will show a collection of colorful and exciting costumes worn by the people of her native country, during the Pahlmann opening.

Won't you join us on the 7th floor from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 6th?  We shall be so happy to have you.


[[signed]]Dorothy Shaver[[/signed]]

Dorothy Shaver