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March 13th, 1956

Dear Isidor:

Charlotte and you have no real idea I feel certain of our disappointment at not seeing you on the one and only evening we spent on your island.

We had been looking forward to this opportunity of having a long comfortable chat with you both, and I feel greatly annoyed at the mail service of St. Thomas for having been the cause for missing you.

We were also anxious to tell you all about the transformation taking place at Caneel Bay which though it will change the original character of this beautiful spot as we knew it will nevertheless enhance it but of course in another style.

Besides the pleasure we would have had, had we been able to see you there was another matter on my mind I was anxious to settle, namely my debt to you in connection with the excellent scotch and brandy you supplied us with. Ethlyne does not remember the correct figure and I have never known it, hence my taking a chance in sending you herein a check for $10 (Ten Dollars) with the hope it will be close to the amount owed you.

However, should it be below, please do not fail to let me know on the other hand should there be a slight excess - which I doubt, do turn it over to one of your pet charities.

With renewed regrets and my kind thoughts in Charlotte and you in which Ethlyne joins me,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Isidor Paiewonsky,
St. Thomas,
Virgin Islands,
U. S. A.
