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January 4th., 1944.

Dear Mr. Paine:

When my cousin, Georges Seligmann, came back from Boston a little while ago, after having the privilege of talking to you on the telephone, he told me that it might be your intention to part with some of the paintings of your late father's collection.

I am, of course, very much interested in this news and am wondering whether I could call on you sometime in Boston and discuss this matter further.

I know, of course, that in the Estate matters you will be able to count upon the efficient and unbiased opinions of the museum officials, with whom you and your late father have always been so closely related, but on the other hand, if there is any advice I could give from a commercial angle, I trust you would not fail to call upon me. You probably know that among other Estates which retained me as their art advisor, was, recently, that of CLARENCE H. MACKAY, and I cooperated with the attorneys, DAVIS, POLK, WARDWELL, GARDINER & REED.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Richard C. Paine, Esq.,
325 Heath Street,
Brookline, Mass.