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[[pencil]] RS


December 9th., 1927.

Dear Mr. Rosenthal:

As I promised you I would, I am sending you by the bearer a pamphlet on our house in Paris, the Ancien Palais de Sagan.  I hope it will interest you and that we shall have your visit over there the next time you are in our city.

To my regret I shall have to sail back to Europe next week, but [[pencil underline]] I am asking my cousin, Mr. Rene Seligmann, who remains here, to call you up in a few days and inquire whether you might like him to arrange or supervise in any way the lighting fixtures for your tapestry. [[\underline]]  You remember my suggestion that something should be done in order to light up the tapestry in a more satisfactory way, and if you think that his opinion might be of value yo you, I know [[underline]] that he will be glad to call on you [[\underline]]

Looking forward to having soon an opportunity of seeing you again, 

Believe me to be,
Yours sincerely

(Germain Seligmann)

Benjamin Rosenthal, Esq.,
340 Park Avenue,
New York, N.Y.