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December 7th, 1939

Dear Mrs. Spalding:

Among the paintings that were returned from Europe last week which had been sent abroad for various exhibitions, was the very beautiful Picasso Cubist composition, "Homme à la Guitare" which I had the pleasure of showing you here last year.

Seeing this picture again and recalling your interest, I was struck more than ever how perfectly magnificent it would look in your beautiful oval library.  In fact, this picture, I feel, is almost made to order for the one available space in that room, namely, the panel which extends right down to the floor.  Both in shape and size, as well as in coloring, I really feel it would be a magnificent addition to your already beautiful home and would take its place alongside the superb Oriental objects which you own.

Though you have already seen the picture, I am, nevertheless, enclosing herewith a photograph which although giving no idea of the beautiful tones and quality of the painting, is sufficient to refresh your memory of it.  The price, as you may recall, is $5,000, and I was wondering if you really might not seriously consider the acquisition of this painting.  I might add that if you think you would be interested, I would willingly arrange to have it shipped to Honolulu for you to try it out.

I should appreciate ever so much hearing from you about all this, particularly so as I think you told me that you were not planning to come to New York this season.  Needless to say, there is nothing I should like better than to return to Honolulu very soon, but that, unfortunately, seems doubtful at the moment.

With kindest regards, I remain 

Yours very sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

Mrs. P. E. Spalding
Makiki Heights
Honolulu, Hawaii   
