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[[logo : three spirals joined to form a triangle]]
The Spiral Press . 350 West 31 Street .  New York . Chickering 4-6953 [[/preprinted]]  

l 9 3 7


Germain Seligmann, Esq.,
Jacques Seligmann & Company
3 East 51 Street
New York City

Dear Sir -

We are prepared to proceed with production of a catalogue similar in general details to the "Picasso" catalogue we printed for you last year except that the following estimate is based on a pamphlet binding, sewed sheets and squared, pasted back similar to dummies submitted to Mr. Robert Levy.

Quantity: 750 copies

Reproductions: 16, average size 5½ x 8 inches

Text: 12 pages including any blanks between type pages.

Binding: As mentioned above

Delivery: 100 copies on November [[strikethrough]]10[[/strikethrough]] ^[[1]] and balance within two days; assuming you give us part of the material on Monday, October 18, and final copy on Wednesday, October 20 and that we will not be delayed in checking proofs, etc. Naturally, we promise this delivery subject to accidents to machinery etc., and other matters beyond our control.

Paper: This estimate is based on 80 lb. paper. If you use 100 lb. Art Mat there will be an extra charge of $10.00. The following price covers the "estimated" cover. The bright yellow cover you have on a dummy would add $13.25.

Price: $575.00 with exception of optional additions in the preceding paragraph.