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November 20, 1925

Mrs. Claus Spreckles,
Coronado Beach, Calif.

Dear Mrs. Spreckles,

We would like to call your attention to a very exceptional late 16th Century Spanish picture which we have recently acquired from a French collection.

It is a portrait of a lady of title in the elaborate dress of the period, and it is painted by Pantoja de la Cruz, who was one of the favorite painters of Philip the Second and Philip the Third before Valesquez. There are about a dozen examples of his work in the Madrid gallery, but our picture is considered to be one of the finest things he ever painted.

If you feel that you would be at all interested, we would be very pleased to show it to you at any time you could conveniently call in here.

Hoping to be favored with your visit, we are

Yours very truly,



P.S.--If you would care for us to send you on photographs and further particulars, we will be pleased to do so upon hearing from you.