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CT ES     December 17, 1929

Dear Walter,

I hope you will like the two PANINIS which are now hanging in your dining room. As a matter of fact, I came up myself with our men to supervise the hanging and I really think they make a wonderful addition to your room, not only from a decorative point of view, but they also help it considerably on account of the extra light that the reflectors give off. Owing to the fact that there are no floor plugs on that side of the room, our men had some little difficulty in connecting the light, but they were able to do so by splicing the wires that are on the two brackets over the mantel-piece. You will see, however, that it is scarcely noticeable what they have done, and the wires are almost invisible. As a matter of fact, I waited there myself to see that the whole thing was properly finished. I had one of our men go back in the afternoon to put a reflector over the children's portrait which I think should also help your room.

Now, while I was waiting there, I was studying your living room and I have a plan which would completely transform this room, if you will permit me to make a few changes there. To sum up the whole thing, this is what I should like to do:

Take away the tapestry on the right hand side of the mantel-piece and hang a pair of pictures either side; then eliminate the tapestry behind the sofa and hang up in its place the one I was showing you the other day; likewise, take away the picture by the piano and place there that beautiful old red Italian velvet panel, and over the mantel (if you have no scruples in removing the "Madonna and Child") I have a most charming and appropriate little painting to be put there.

With these changes and reflectors over the pictures you have no idea how greatly improved your room would be, and I would be delighted to do this without any obligation, cost, or risk to you whatsoever. ^[[X]] I would be very pleased to send up our men to make these changes on Tuesday morning and let you live with these things over Christmas and the weekend and then if you did not like them, all you would have to do would be to telephone me, and I would send up our men to take them down and replace the others.

^[[*:note in cursive]] That is to say, to allow you to buy these things on approval on these conditions [[/note in cursive]]