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December 17, 1949

Dear Mrs. Tremaine:

When I had the pleasure of speaking to you over the telephone last week, you feared your time would be so much taken up with Christmas shopping that you might not be able to drop in at my galleries before returning to Connecticut.

This gives me an opportunity, which I have always been looking forward to, to ask you whether I could call on you in Madison, having heard so much not only about your home, but also about the remarkable and very exceptional Miller Co. in Meridan.

Should this be agreeable to you, we could at the same time discuss the question of the paintings you wish to part with, as well as the ones you saw here, of which I would take photographs, as long as the originals are well known to you.

Either Thursday or Friday of this week, 22nd., or 23rd., would be convenient to me, though you may find Friday a little too close to the Christmas celebration.

May I call you up on Wednesday morning, and inquire whether such a plan meets with your approval, and I would then call on you the morning of either day.

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Mrs. Burton G. Tremaine, Jr.

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