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November the twenty-ninth 1924.

Major Keith TREVOR,
Coombe Court,
Kingston Hill,

Dear Major Trevor:-
     I was awfully sorry not to have seen you again before you left New York, as two days after I met you at the St-Regis, I went away on a business trip, and when I returned, I found that you had already sailed.
     Bye the by, I have just heard from our Paris house that they have sent you photographs and particulars of the two Clocks about which you were speaking to me.  I presume that Mrs. Trevor and yourself will be going to Paris in the near future, and if you are at all interested in either of these pieces, you can see them at the Ancien Palais de Sagan.
     Trusting you had a pleasant trip back and with my kindest regards,

Believe me to be,

Yours very truly,