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Drake Hotel.
Chicago, Ill.
January 18th., 1925.

Mr. Joseph Trinz,
Ellis Ave. & Hyde Park Blvd.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Mr. Trinz:

I was sorry not to have been able to see you when last I was in Chicago, but I had to shorten my stay.  However, I hope that I will be more fortunate this time, the more so as I have a very interesting exhibition of a French Eighteenth Century Salon at the Art Institute, under the patronage of Mr. Chauncey McCormick and Mrs. Potter Palmer.

I would very much like to have the privilege of showing it to you, if you can spare a few moments, and would like, if it is possible, to make an appointment to meet you at the Art Institute one of these coming days.  Otherwise I would gladly pay you a visit at your home.

My secretary will call your secretary up in the near future, to find out when you can give me an appointment.

I will be at the Drake Hotel until Saturday and hope you will be able to spare a few moments before I leave.

Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you.

Pray believe me,

Yours very sincerely,

[[handwritten note]] Out of town until 1/26/25 [[/handwritten note]]