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November 5th, 1925.

Robert Tritton, Esq.,
41 Duke Street,
Manchester Square,
London, West.

Dear Tritton:

Your letter of September the 25th was only received by met the other day, owing to the fact that it was forwarded from Paris, and also because I have myself only recently returned to New York from a trip out west.

Mr. Germain Seligmann has also recently arrived in New York, and he has asked me to tell you that he would very much like to meet young Fairfax-Murray, if he has not found anything to do by the time Mr. Seligmann returns to Paris, which will be about the middle of December.  He also wanted me to tell you that he has not anything in mind at the present moment, but as I said before, he would like to meet this young man particularly in view of your high estimation of his ability.

Trusting you are keeping well, and with my kindest regards, believe me to be

Yours sincerely,