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October 13, 1932.

My dear friend,

We have just come into possession of a painting that was originally sold by youin 1911 to Scott & Fowles of New York, but owing to the fact that the pedigree does not check up correctly, we would feel very much obliged if you will give us any further particulars you have about this provenience.

According to Mr. Scott the following is a copy of the invoice you gave him:

"Portrait of Louise of Savoy painted by Madame Vigée LeBrun in 1782." Louise of Savoy, Countess of Provence, daughter of Victor Ameda, King of Sardinia, married Louis Stanislas Xavier, Count of Provence, brother of Louis XVI. and became Louis XVIII. of France. She died at Gosfield November 10, 1810.
Exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1783 under the title ofpportrait of "Madame" which title ment Louise of Savoy.
Engraved by Sichling.
Mentioned in "Nolhac's "Madame Vigée LeLrun, Paris, 1908, page 151.
Mentioned in "Souvenirs"of Madame Vigée LeBrun" volume 1, page 51; volume 2, page 361.

Upon checking up these particulars, we find that there was a portrait exhibited in the Paris Salon in 1783 under title of "Madame", but this title refers to a portrait of the king's sister and not to one of Louise of Savoy.

Furthermore, we could find no record of it having been engraved by Sichling, nor did we find it recorded on the above mentioned pages of "Souvenirs of Madame Vigée LeBrun".

René Trotti