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January 9th, 1935.

Dear Professor Venturi:

As I promised you I would, I wrote to Mrs. Eugene Meyer after the holiday rush and received an answer from her of which I am sending you a copy herewith together with a copy of my letter.  I am just doing this so that you will realize I have pleaded your cause as well as I could.

Should I receive the photographs I will of course forward them to you - but should I not, please don't put the blame on me.  I am even wondering if in a little while you do not receive the photographs, whether you should not write directly to the Metropolitan Museum.  You know every one there and I am sure that they will be only too willing to please you.

I also take much pleasure in enclosing a check for $1,800. representing your share in the sale of the Antonello to the Detroit Museum.  May I ask you to kindly acknowledge the receipt of this check?  I would gladly have sent it to you earlier but their remittance only came in a few days ago.  I trust that this is just going to be a start for future activities with your kind co-operation. 

You will also find herein a photograph of the painting I showed you prior to your departure, and you might be able to find a name for the "Child".  As I told you, the picture does not belong to the firm and if I cannot sell it to one or the other party I shall return it to the owner.

I hope that you had a pleasant trip home and that you started the New Year in a very agreeable fashion.

With very kind thoughts

I am

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Séligmann)

Professor Lionello Venturi,
62, rue Pierre-Charron,
PARIS (8).

Enclosures (4)