Viewing page 6 of 43

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[[underlined]] April 30. [[/underlined]] Kalorama Road
before breakfast, 30 minutes.

Troglodytes  in yard
Mimos carolinensis  1 " [[ditto for: in yard]]
Merula  com. " [[ditto for: in yard]]
Quiscalus  " " [[dittos for: com. in yard]]
Corvus ossifragus  com
" [[ditto for: Corvus]] americanus " [[ditto for: com]]
Vireo flavifrons  heard
Spizella pusillus  " [[ditto for: heard]]
" [[ditto for: Spizella]] socialis  2
Spinus pinus   12 seen
Melospiza melodia   com.
Zonotrichia albicollis  " [[ditto for: com.]]
Pipilo  2
Cardinalis  2
Toxostoma  2
Colinus  1 heard
Hylocicla a. pallasi  1
Cyanocitta  1 heard
Falco sparverius  1
Setophaga  heard
Dendroica astiva  2
Colaptes  1 heard

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] May 1.
In yard before breakfast - [[/underlined]]
Gavia imber  1 heard flying over
Vireo flavifrons  1 in tree singing
Robins  com
Grackles  " [[ditto for: com]]
Catbird  1 in yard
Troglodytes  1 " " [[dittos for: in yard]]
Melospiza melodia  1 heard
Flicker  1 " [[ditto for: heard]]
Swifts  " [[ditto for: heard]]

[[underlined]] In Zoo woods on hill]]
Siskins  flock in a yard
Carolina wren  com. singing
Chippy  " " [[dittos for: com. singing]] 
Chewink  " " [[dittos for: com. singing]]
Wood Thrush  3
Ovenbird  1
Cardinals  com. noisy
Redstart  heard
White throated spar.  com.
Carpodacus  " [[ditto for: com]]
Thrasher  2
Mniotitla varia  1
Yellow winged warbler  1
Blue winged " [[ditto for: warbler]]  1

Red head wpkr. 1 in town.