Viewing page 11 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 8  [[/underlined]] to Zoo entrance

House wren  In yard
Robin  " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Grackle  " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Flicker  " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Catbird  " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Meadowlark   1 Flying over " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Great Crested Flycatcher  1 in yard
Yellow warbler   1 in town
Chimney swift  com " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Chippy   1 " [[ditto for: In yard]]
Brown thrasher  com. In Zoo
Wood thrush  " [[ditto for: In Zoo]]
Ovenbird  " [[ditto for: In Zoo]]
Perula warbler  2 " [[ditto for: In Zoo]]
Blk throated blue  2 " [[ditto for: In Zoo]]
Chistnut sided  3 " [[ditto for: In Zoo]]
Yellowthroated vireo  1 in town
Redstart  com in zoo
Red head wpkr.   2
White throat spar   1
Tufted tit  com.
Crow  " [[ditto for: com.]]
Sharp shinned Hawk   1
Song sparrow  1

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] May 8 P.M. to [[Ber.?]] Standards [[/underlined]]

Swifts  com
Canadian Flycatching Warbler  2
Blk throated blue  com.
Redstarts  " [[ditto for: com.]]
Downy wpker  1
Chewink  com
Catbird  " [[ditto for: com]]
Ovenbird  " [[ditto for: com]]
[[Sumer?]] warbler  1
Flickr  com
Bluebird  2
Bluejay  2
Yellowthroat  vireo  2
Veery thrush  1
Goldfinch  2
Maryland yellowthroat  2
Yellow rump  1
Wood peewee  1 [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]]
Chat  2 [[strikethrough]] co [[/strikethrough]]
Prairie warbler  com.

Transcription Notes:
ditto words need doing as per instructions