Viewing page 25 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 5 Zoo [[/underlined]] Office
Parula com
Redstart " [[Ditto for: com]]
Yellowrump " [[Ditto for: com]]
Maryland 2
Black throated green 2
Magnolia 2
Blackburnian 1
Ovenbird 1
Thrasher com
Catbird " [[Ditto for: com]]
Cardinal " [[Ditto for: com]]
Peter 1
House wren 2 com
Song sparrow " [[Ditto for: com]]
Chippy 1
White throat com
Yellow throated Vireo 2
Red eyed " [[Ditto for: Vireo]] 1
Flicker 2
Bluejay 2
Mergansers 4
Robin com
Grackle " [[Ditto for: com]]
Crow " [[Ditto for: com]]
Buzzard 1
Wood thrush com
Olive back 1
Phoebe - 5 eggs

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] May 6 Zoo Office [[/underlined]]
Wood thrush com
Thrasher " [[Ditto for: com]]
Catbird " [[Ditto for: com]]
Chat 1
Wren com
Yellowrump abn
Black throated blue 1
" [[Ditto for: Black]] " [[Ditto for: throated]] green 2
Parula com
Redstart " [[Ditto for: com]]
Yellow warbler " [[Ditto for: com]]
Yellow wing ?
Black & white creeper ? 1
Solitary Vireo ? 1
Red eyed " [[Ditto for: Vireo]] 3
Maryland yellowthroat 1
Field spar 1
Song " [[Ditto for: spar]] com
White throat " [[Ditto for: com]]
Chippy 2
Cardinal com
Flicker " [[Ditto for: com]]
Robin " [[Ditto for: com]]
Wren " [[Ditto for: com]]
Crows " [[Ditto for: com]]
Buzzard " [[Ditto for: com]]
Grackle " [[Ditto for: com]]