Viewing page 30 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 14-6-8, Woodley wood [[/underlined]]
Wren   3
Robin   3
Grackle  a few
Catbird  com
Redstart " [[ditto for: com]]
[[Hummer?]]   2
Black throated blue  com
Chat                 " [[ditto for: com]]
Cardinal             " [[ditto for: com]]
Song sparrow         " [[ditto for: com]]
Spotted sandpiper    " [[ditto for: com]]
Veery                " [[ditto for: com]]
Woodthrush           " [[ditto for: com]]
Goldfinch            " [[ditto for: com]]
Thrasher             " [[ditto for: com]]
Yellow throated vireo 2
Black & white warbler com
Myrtle                " [[ditto for: com]]
Bluejay               2
crows, both sp.      com
Phoebe                2
Flicker            a few
Yellow warbler        1
Field sparrow         3
Gray cheeked thrush 1 or   more
Oven bird           com
Peter                2
Kingfisher            2
Indigo                3

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

White eyed vireo    2
Oriole              2
Grosbeak, rosebreast  1
Chippy              2
[[strikethrough]] Field [[/strikethrough]]
Magnolia            2
Kentuckee           3
[[strikethrough]] Rosebreast [[/strikethrough]]
Tanager, scarlet  2
Chestnut sided warbler  1
Hermit thrush   1
Red eye 1
Great crested flycatcher 1
Water thrush, -5 eggs-  1
Buzzard  1
White throat  2
least flycatcher  2
Parula   heard
Swift   1
Black poll warbler  3

Transcription Notes:
Might say Hummer for Hummingbird, or possibly Hermit for Hermit Thrush.