Viewing page 32 of 43

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] May 17 [[/underlined]] to Zoo woods 1 1/2 h. 
Wren   2
Yellowthroated vireo 2
Song sparrow      com
Robin              " [[ditto for: com]]
Grackle            " [[ditto for: com]]
Yellow warbler     2
Blackpoll         com
Redstart           " [[ditto for: com]]
Yellowrump         " [[ditto for: com]]
Blackthroated blue " [[ditto for: com]]
Catbird            " [[ditto for: com]]
Nashville?      1
Cardinal           " [[ditto for: com]]
Peter              1
Oliveback         com
Blackburnian       3
Parula            a few
Black & white      2
[[strikethrough]] Blackpoll [[/strikethrough]]
Hooded ?  1 heard?
White throat       1
Indigo             3
Barnswallow        1
Magnolia           1
Phoebe             1
Chat               1
Maryland           3
Chippy             1
Wood thrush        2

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Thrasher           3
Chewink           com
Flicker            3
Meadowlark         2
Wood pewee         1
Field sparrow      1
Kingbird           1
Chebec.            1

[[underlined]] May 18 [[/underlined]] home & office

Wilsonia       1 in tree
Blackpoll        " [[ditto for: in tree]]
Song sparrow     in yard
Yellow warbler   " [[ditto for: in yard]]
Red eyed vireo   on street