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[[underlined]]May 11[[/underlined]]  To Woodley Woods, 1 1/2 h

Blackpoll  in yard & woods
Canadian       " "[[ditto for in yard & woods]]
Wren           " "[[ditto for in yard & woods]]  
Robin          " "[[ditto for in yard & woods]] 
Song Sparrow   " "[[ditto for in yard & woods]]   
Swift       in town
Yellow warbler "[[ditto for in town]] 
Wood thrush    "[[ditto for in town]]  a few
Tanager        "[[ditto for in town]]   1
Catbird        "[[ditto for in town]]  co
Cardinal       "[[ditto for in town]]  "[[ditto for co]] 
Chat           "[[ditto for co]] 
M.Yellowthroat  "[[ditto for in town]]  "[[ditto for co]] 
Goldfinch       "[[ditto for in town]]  "[[ditto for co]] 
Indigo          "[[ditto for co]]
Spotted Sandpiper   1
Carolina wren       2
Thrasher           a few
Red head wpkr       1
Bobwhite            1
Flicker             2
Chippy              2
Chewink            com
Yellowrump         "[[ditto for com]]
Redstart           "[[ditto for com]]
Redeyed Vireo      "[[ditto for com]]
Cedarbird           2
Wood pewee          2
Field sparrow       1

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Ovenbird            co
Oliveback thrush     2
Black & white warbler 2
Wilsonia   1
Kentucky   3
Peter      1
Acadian flycatcher 1
Nuthatch   1
Crows 2           com