Viewing page 39 of 43

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Chewink com
Cardinal " [[ditto for: com]]
Indigo " [[ditto for: com]]
Scarlet tanager 2
Roughwing swallow, yg & old, com
Barn swallow 3
Red-eyed vireo com 
White eyed Vireo 1
Yellow warbler com
Kentuckee, a family, old & ya
Maryland com
Parula 3
Chat com
Peter " [[ditto for: com]]
Chickadee 1
House wren came out July 1. young out in yard
Carolina com
Thrasher " [[ditto for: com]] 
Catbird " [[ditto for: com]]
Nuthatch 1
Wood thrush heard
Robin com
Bluebird 3
Ovenbird 1 heard
Cedar birds a few on island
Cuckoo 1 in yard

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[[start page]]

[[underlined]] July 4 [[/underlined]] to Chevy Chase Lake
Flicker 1
Bobwhite 1
Kingbird 1
Wood pewee feeding yg. com
Bluejay 3
Crow com
Grackle " [[Ditto for: com]]
Chewink " [[Ditto for: com]]
Cuckoo 1 in yard [[strikethrough]] com [[/strikethrough]]
Song sparrow com
Field sparrow feeding yg " [[Ditto for: com]]
Grasshopp. spar. nest, 4 eggs 4
Chipping sparrow a few.
Indigo com
Meadowlark heard
Yellowthroated vireo 1
Redeyed " [[Ditto for: vireo]] on nest, com
Chat com
Maryland yellowthroats, feeding, " [[Ditto for: com]]
Peter 1
Robin a few
Wood thrush 2
House wren a few
Catbird com