Viewing page 6 of 21

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Rhus [[strikethrough]] tonenaurm [[/strikethrough]] hirta  S. com.
" [[ditto for: Rhus]] Glabrum  " [[ditto for: com.]]
Prunus  red  [[strikethrough]] "[[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: com.]]
Prunus  black  [[strikethrough]] "[[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: com.]]
Prunus  sand?  [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: com.]] 
Rubus strigosus " [[ditto for: com.]]
Rubus  black " [[ditto for: com.]]
Corylus rostrata  "[[ditto for com.]]
Viburnum " [[ditto for: com.]]
Spirea  " [[ditto for" com.]]
Populus grandidentatum  a few 
Solidago   many sp.
Aster   " " [[dittos for: many sp.]]
Tsuga canadensis
Hickory alba [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]]  1

[[underlined]] In Town & fields [[/underlined]]
Populus, lombardy
" [[ditto for: Populus]], silver
" [[ditto for: Populus]], cottonwood
Betula lasciniata
Betula alba
Kudzu vine 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Portland [[/underlined]], Me. Sept. 2 & 3

Apples   fair
Pears   a few
Cherries  trees  " [[ditto for: a few]]
Grapes  vines  " [[ditto for: a few]]

Corn   early, small, fair
Potatoes    good
Beans  " [[ditto for: good]]
Squashes  " [[ditto for: good]]
Cucumbers  a few
Cabbage   good
Grain - oats -  " [[ditto for: good]]

Clover   red   fine
[[underlined]] Ice [[/underlined]]  best

Transcription Notes:
fixed formatting, did not yet check species - @meg_shuler