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[[William Brewster]].  Description of a New Hummingbird from Northern Mexico.
[The Auk], X, July 1893, pp. 214-215.
[Cyanomyia salvini] (Nacosari, Sonora) is described as new.

[[W. Edwin Brooks]].  A few observations of some species of [Phylloscopus].
[The Ibis], per. VI, VI, April, 1894, pp. 261-268.
Remarks on various species of [Phylloscopus], especially in regard to their specific distinctions as exemplified in their habits, notes, etc.

[[Edward J. Brown]].  The Birds of Smiths Island, Virginia

[The Nidiologist], I, May, 1894, p. 144.
A list of sixty-three species found on Smith's Island in May, 1894, of which [Trirpa Fuscicollis] had not previously been recorded from Virginia.

[[Hubert H. Brown]], Capture of Another [Ardetta neoxena] at Toronto, Ontario.
[The Auk, X, October, 1893, pp. 363-364.
mentions the capture of a specimen of [Ardetta neoxena] at Toronto, May 20, 1893.

Transcription Notes:
underline is indicated with [] (and double underline [[) , not the more traditional spelled out method.