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[[underlined]] F. A. Lucas. [[/underlined]]  Swifts and Humming-birds.
[[underlined]] The Ibis, [[/underlined]] July, 1893, ser. VI, V, pp.365-371. (two figures in text).  
Remarks on the systematic position of these birds, with some views on a recent paper by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt on the same subject.

[[underlined]] F. A. Lucas. [[/underlined]]  The Food of Hummingbirds:
[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] X, October, 1893, pp.311-315. 
  Remarks on food habits of Hummingbirds, with list and contents of the stomachs of various species examined.

[[Marginalia brackets encompassing previous two entries]] noted in M Lucas' rep.

[[underlined]] L. M. McCormick. [[/underlined]]  A Hybrid Tanager.
[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] X, July, 1893, pp.302-303.
Account of a hybrid between [[underlined]] Piranga erythromelas [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] P. rubra, [[/underlined]] with description and measurements.

[[underlined]] E. W. Nelson and T. S. Palmer. [[/underlined]]  Descriptions of Five New Birds from Mexico.
[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] XI, January, 1894, pp.39-45.
[[underlined]] Megascops pinosus [[/underlined]] (Las Vigas, Vera Cruz),  [[underlined]] Megascops ridgwayi, [[/underlined]] (Patzcuaro, Michoacan), 
[[underlined]] Glaucidium fisheri, [[/underlined]] (Tochimilco, Puebla), [[underlined]] Aimophila rufescens pallida, [[/underlined]] (Etzatlan, Jalisco), and [[underlined]] Sitta carolinensis mexicana, [[/underlined]] (Mt Orizaba, Puebla) are described as new.

[[underlined]] T. S. Palmer. [[/underlined]]
(See under E. W. Nelson).

Transcription Notes:
I'm assuming M. Lucas is another staff member?