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[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]]  Description of a New Storm Petrel from the Coast of Western Mexico.
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. [[/underlined]] XVI, 1893, no.962, November 24, 1893, pp.687-688.
[[underlined]] Oceanodroma townsendi [[/underlined]] (Lower California [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] and coast of northwestern Mexico) is described. [[strikethrough]] as new. [[/strikethrough]]

[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]]  Description of a New [[underlined]] Geothlypis [[/underlined]] from Brownsville, Texas.
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. [[/underlined]] XVI, 1893, no.964, February 5, 1894, pp.691-692.
[[underlined]] Geothlypis poliocephala ralphi [[/underlined]] is described.

[[underlined]] Robert Ridgway. [[/underlined]]  On Geographical Variation in [[underlined]] Sialia mexicana [[/underlined]] Swainson.
[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] XI, April, 1894, pp.145-160.
Results of a study embracing nearly one hundred and eighty specimens of this species.  Townsend's name [[underlined]] occidentalis [[/underlined]] is revived for the [[strikethrough]] Pacific [[/strikethrough]] bird of the Pacific region, and [[underlined]] Sialia mexicana bairdi [[/underlined]] is so named as a new race from the Rocky Mountain region.