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[[underlined]] R. W. Shufeldt. [[/underlined]]  Notes on Photographing a Live Specimen of Gambel's Partridge.
[[underlined]] The Auk, [[/underlined]] XI, April, 1894, pp.128-130, pls. III, IV, V.
Remarks on the attitudes assumed by the bird, particularly in the act of preening.

[[underlined]] R. W. Shufeldt. [[/underlined]]  Nesting Habits of the Horn-bills.
[[underlined]] The Nidiologist, [[/underlined]] I, February, 1894, pp.82-83.  Figure.
An account of the nesting habits of the Horn-bills, with a figure illustrating the mounted group in the National Museum Collection.

[[underlined]] R. W. Shufeldt. [[/underlined]]  On Re-mounting the Specimen of the Great Auk.
[[underlined]] The Nidiologist, [[/underlined]] I, December, 1893, pp.49-51.  Figs. I, II, & III.
Note on the re-mounting of a specimen of the Great Auk in the National Museum Collection.