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[[underlined]] R. W. Shufeldt. [[/underlined]]  Nesting of the Flamingo.
[[underlined]] The Nidiologist, [[/underlined]] I, November, 1893, pp.34-35.  Figure.
Account of the nesting of this species, with illustration representing a mounted group in the National Museum Collection.

[[underlined]] Witmer Stone. [[/underlined]]  A Revision of the Genus [[underlined]] Anous. [[/underlined]].
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1894, pp.115-118.
Revises the nomenclature and synonymy of the genus and [[strikethrough]] descr [[/strikethrough]] gives a new name to one species [[underlined]] A. atrofuscus [[/underlined]] which had been wrongly referred to [[underlined]] A. leucocapillus [[/underlined]] Gould.

[[underlined]] Witmer Stone. [[/underlined]]  A Review of the Old World [[underlined]] Rallinae. [[/underlined]].
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1894, pp.130-149.
Being "impressed with the confusion which exists in regard to the synonymy of the Old World members of the family [[underlined]] [Rallidae], [[/underlined]] more especially with reference to the generic position of many of the species and the limitation of the several genera", Mr. Stone gives a brief but very careful and altogether excellent review of the subject, the result of which is to place the classification and generic nomenclature of the [[underlined]] Rallinae [[/underlined]] in a far more satisfactory condition than previously existed.