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The books selected for this purpose should include the works of the better known authorities, as John Burroughs, Thorean, Maurice Thompson, Oliver Thorne Miller, Miss Merriam, and others, together with a good popular ornithology of general scope (as the bird volumes of Wood's Natural History, Brehm's Thierleben, Standard Natural History, etc) and certain Museum publications of general interest (Bendire's "Life Histories", Shufeldt's "Scientific Taxidermy" and the writer's "Humming Birds").

If this plan can be carried out, which seems neither difficult or expensive, I think that the class of visitors most interested in the subject, especially school-teachers and their pupils, will find in the alcove set a part for their benefit every facility for the study of birds that could reasonably be asked, and certainly all that

Transcription Notes:
Simply needed to capitalize the first letter of the first word ("The"). Rest looks good.