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3. Indicate briefly the present condition of the exhibition series and the study series.

1. [[underlined]] Exhibition series. [[/underlined]]

The exhibition series is in much better order than for several years past, as far st the condition of the individual specimens is concerned, although the collection as a whole is greatly overcrowded and sadly in need of a general rearrangement.

Owing to the looseness of the exhibition cases the specimens are liable to damage by insects and dust, and the taxidermist has been engaged almost constantly during the year in freshening and overhauling them, and in supplying the stands with label holders.

New [[underlined]] specimen [[/underlined]] labels have been supplied in many cases in place of [[underlined]] species [[/underlined] labels, and [[inserted]] descriptive [[/inserted]] labels for [[strikethrough]] few [[/strikethrough]] families and orders have been quite generally distributed in the exhibition series.

Small portions of the collection have been rearranged, to accommodate the growth of the collection, but a general rearrangement and readjustment of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] space is urgently needed.

A few birds, [[inserted]] particularly parrots, [[/inserted]] some of which have been sent to the Nashville exposition. About thirty parrots were specially mounted for the Nashville exposition; and also forty-nine birds from British Guiana, constituting a deposit from Hon. W.P. Brownlow.

2. [[underlined]] Study series [[/underlined]]

The condition of the study series is very satisfactory, except that portion contained in storage boxes in the west basement, which remains practically inaccessible. A large portion of the collection contained in the bird gallery was radically rearranged, the classification followed being that of Dr. Stejuyer. Seventy-one quarter unit cases were involved in this work, of which nineteen were additional to those previously used, thus giving the specimens ample room, and allowing for moderate growth of the collection. The bird gallery has now become so crowded that further case room cannot be had there, and eleven of the cases are placed in double tiers, these being all that can be safely so placed.  A half unit "type" case with quarter unit compartments was installed in the gallery, and the majority of types of small birds were removed from the general collection (during the progress of rearrangement) and placed in it.