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12. Please present any plans which you have in view for the
development of your department.

Plans for the development of this department have been mentioned in the two or three preceding annual reports, but [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] owing to the increasing routine work, growth of the collections, etc. little has been accomplished in the development of any of the suggestions there offered.  It is quite certain that no decided advancement can be made without the aid of an additional skilled assistant.

The most important features for the improvement of the department, as heretofore mentioned are:
1. Completion of specimen labels for the exhibition series.
2. Completion of family and order labels for exhibition series.
3. Preparation of card catalogue of exhibition series.
4. Preparation of new lists of desiderata.
5. Completion of work of elimination of duplicates from study series.
6. Rearrangement of study series housed in the west basement.
7. Completion of card catalogue of type specimens in the bird department.
8. Completion of card catalogue of described species of birds.
9. Preparation of a circular to U.S. Consuls abroad, asking their co-operation in the enlargement of the collections.
10. Formation of a special mounted series of birds of the District of Columbia, with the nests and eggs of breeding species. [Cannot be carried out until additional space is provided.]
11. Completion of the popular exhibit in the south entrance.
12. An additional skilled assistant is very much needed.