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and in the troughs of the waves (easy swells there in less motion today) there are patches of sargassum weed, getting larger by the hour.  We were before noon about a hundred miles south of Bermuda.

This ship in like a big overgrown hotel, not as fine as the finest more on the order of the Ambassador, with Statler-like rooms. (Sort of an old tub if you ask me, but I do/not know how old), sort of garish. Just [[strikethrough]] what [[/strikethrough]] what full capacity is I do not know, shall try to fill in here:
1st class______cabin class______tourist_____
But we have 553, not counting crew aboard.  Crew=_____ persons.

To look the crowd over – Its for all the world like a cross-section of what you see wandering up and down the main streets (Collins Ave) of Miami Beach any day during season.  Much the same faces and types and dress, and language and background, as the passenger list most eloquently attests;  with just as much idle time on their hands wandering and sitting about & drinking when not sleeping or napping.  In mid afternoon most of them are out of circulation, but before lunch & after cocktails before dinner they