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March 5th.  We did not do much, but while I was writing up front, one of the "hostesses" asked me if I would judge the Mad Hatters Contest this evening.  I demurred and she said she'd try to get another but after lunch came back & said I was it.  There were scarcely a dozen contestants and only 1 kid.  Children were automatically to get a prize of some sort, but grown ups were to be based on most beautiful, most original and most humorous.  They paraded before judges following "band" (few pcs from orchestra) and then second time around presented individually to the judges a Mrs Bottler from Detroit, a Miss Sullivan from Travel, Inc. and myself.  The most beautiful was not on the most beautiful by for a Spanish head dress on a rather mature Jewess, old & fat, but it was head dress that was being judged.  The most original was a younger smarter Jewess who use aluminum foil made herself a big "shako" out of it with a long slender loop [[image: pencil drawing of hat]] wrapped with foil sticking out from and another out back, both obliquely in opposite direction not straight fore and aft.  No doubt with but