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on vacation for a couple of months regarding tax, fares & rates, & even introduced us to a driver they found decent & reliable we got started for station.

The streets are much to narrow and too crowded for traffic, & here in relation to streets & people bikes & autos it's terriffic, so the taxi drivers whose cars are parked where he can find place, off street & down alleys are wandering up and down the narrow already congested sidewalks looking for trade.  Cost us $2.50 American to get to staiton, where Lewis met us at the entrance.  Has the cutest little girl of about 2 1/2 (and also a 4 mos baby, girl too)  The station like so many at start is an old "mansion" (sic.?) being remodeled right above the beach in a beautiful tropic site.  Salt water is not in yet, but are making progress.  Will be a nice place to come and study for those who can get their transportation & meal funds elsewhere, the lab will furnish free quarters, and lab. facilities.  Right before lab is reef exposed in parts at low tide, with hosts of orinoids in favored places.  Endowment is not large, but they are getting along.  The begining is always a job of being manger construction engineer, and foreman of laborers