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Page 20 cont'd.

promises us some of tadpole stage for [[?Mrs]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Corchran.

Saturday March 10.  This was morning alcohol was to be delivered to Freelance at Customs dock at 11 a.m. but our gear from same place at 10, so we could unstow [[?]] to make room for alcohol.  Well when we got to dock at 10 Freelance was nowhere to be seen.  Fenner remembered "she" was going to refuel at Shell dock & not not knowing where this was, I hailed first auto to ask, coming off customs dock as we were [[?]].  It was a little yellow truck with Shell insignia on side, and driver on inside was a white salesman who himself was headed for his company's dock to see Nicholson;  so he gave us a lift, and luckily because the quay at customs was too crowded to get in, so he could not pick up our boxes.  So we had to [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] find a truck to carry our boxes up.  But first we had to get customs clearance (release) and change destination of alcohol delivery, and found that it was already on the way.  By dint of phoning & message leaving we got things straightened out, but finally had to wait will 12.30 for alcohol on customs truck & with guard.  then we had to go for water (the Freelance

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so we had lunch aboard;  got our gear stored in our staterooms, more of less, and landed on Yacht Club dock.  (We went from watering dock back their with Freelance), and walked in to road in hopes of catching taxi to hotel. (X)  Was about 3 p.m. and as Greenhall said he'd take us to Zoo we called him, went there in rain.  It rains very frequently in this, the dry season, showers, but we did get to see what they had had local snakes, birds, turtles & tortoises monkeys and few small [[strikethrough]] great [[/strikethrough]] mammals;  U. Amer puma, & leopards were only large cats not a bad place popular with kids there were many there with parents.  Also have pool with caimans.  The grounds are most beautiful lush tropical greenery, bamboos, and flowing trees, along with mahogany & what not.  Grounds were formerly those of wealthy man, but house is no more.

Later Greenhall drove us up to a lookout point in hills above Zoo, our view out over Gulf of Paria.  Port of Spain has beautiful setting.  We asked Greenhall & wife & 2 children to dinner at hotel, after which we went to his house for a night cap, to put kids to bed & later to return us to hotel.  He made trip with Ditmars to Venezuela when he was a young man, and figures in book Ditmars wrote about expedition.