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March 15  Lv. Grenada at 9:00 a.m.  Dr. Slominsky aboard  #13 E.L. 7-9 p.m. Palobates disappeared after 8 p.m.
[[underlined]] 12:30 [[/underlined]]  p.m. arr. ^[[#14 9 p.m. Sea horses]] Tyrrell Bay Carriacou  
[[underlined]] Stn [[encircled]] 13 [[/encircled]] [[/underlined]]   Elect light at night. (Sea horses) Palobates disappeared after 8 p.m.

Stn [[encircled]] 14 [[/encircled]] Mar. 15. 9 p.m. Sea horses abundant at [[?Tern]] III anchorage but not at Freelance "[[ditto for anchorage]]

[[encircled]] 16 [[/encircled]] ^[[Mar. 10 8-10 a.m.  #15. from [[?traplers]]]] [[encircled]] 17 [[/encircled]] Mar.16

Reef coll. (largely dead Ponites, sand flat [[?let]] reef and shore.

Mar. 16 #19. From Mangrove Tyrrell Bay Carriacou

[[encircled]] #20 Bot sample. 7 a.m.
At Union id. Bredin caught ? fish. Took bottom sample 7 a.m. Mar. 17 [[/encircled]]

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[[encircled]] 36 [[/encircled]]

before last animal was stored away, bottles etc. for the 4 a.m. start that Fenners indisposition broke up. Remember this is being written in rolling vessels. Al says he wanted to do some writing but too much motion he says.
[[underlined]] March 15,/56. [[/underlined]]

Al has been complaining about not being able to dry plants. I have been after him to do something about it, & he bought a small kerosene (Primus) stove. But for this too he says too much motion. I told him I could rig something. But guess he's stubborn as I am sometime.

Well we went ashore Al, Nicholson & I to get stove & medicine. But this took a Drs. prescription, so we looked up a Dr. Nicholson knew about & druggist (chemist) down here recommended an older & partly toothless man, a Dr. Ross. He was due in office at 8:30 but after walking around there we tried calling his home - no answer - then drugstore attendant happened to look up hill & saw him walking down.  We went out to speak to him & he stepped into store & wrote prescription we wanted. When I asked fee he said office fee was usually 1.00 (B.W.I. money), about 65ยข Amer. but he refused to take that. I pressed 5.00 on him for charity patients if he would not take it otherwise. With acromycin, stove & 5 gal tin of kerosene we hurried back to ship. I was little behind & first thing I knew I could up with Nicholson talking to man, wife and two bright blond