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Mar. 18. Cnt'd

The owner, E.L. Maingot, Mustique, St. Vincent, Grenadines, St. Vincent, B.W.I. came down to beach to meet us.  Had to jump out of boat because of slight surf to hold bow off while Capt. put out stern anchor, after quite a bit of manouvering got things fixed & went up to see old warehouse where they stored bags of cotton, unginned;  this is done in St. Vincent through which all mail & cargo flows.  Has whale boat in which he travels over there – miles. Handling cost $12 B.W.I. a trip $30 when he has a large cargo such as cotton to go over.  The village housing his 100 or so colored laborers is much in need of repair but the few men we saw seemed good hardy sort.  Our walks around the more cultivated area, were through the gardens tended by the natives for their own use, cassava, yams, peanut (ground nuts they call them here, long chick peas etc.) [[?]] some [[?]] [[?]] miles [[strikethrough]] Hendy [[/strikethrough]] is a memorial cross to John Henrique Hazell, the first owner of the Island whose grand daughter (?) the present man married and so came into possession.  His wife was away at this time visiting on one of the other islands.  They have