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Giving up the dredging as unproductive.  We next tried seining, but beach Maingot had picked out was rocky, and had lots of coral on bottom.  Yet he wanted to try it as a purse seine.  This didn't work either and finally we dove the next.  Did get some hippas and larval fish though, but these we lost when a wave overturned our "waterglass" in which the catch had been placed on the beach, we thought (mistakenly) out of reach of the waves.  Then with face masks & by diving in shallow water, Capt & Maingot brought up sponges & rocks which up opened and cracked up to yield us among the more common species a few we had not encountered his cruise before. 
^[[March 19th]]

We left Mustique at 1:30 and headed for Bequia Id which lived up to all the nice things Nicholson said about it, beautiful harbor, nice setting, small unobtrusive house a one little hotel, a simple, new, clean and refreshing place, - room and board $3.25 to $3.85 (USA) a day!  Can you beat that.  Bredin wanted to see this place and he and I went ashore, walked over the road.  There is but one auto on the island we are told, and walked back along the beach.