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some days before.  Fenner was only one who did not go along.  Did change alcohol in specimens and consolidate some collections as to free a few more bottles.  Both were necessary operations and we are running short of containers.  It rained off and on all forenoon.  On the way to the bathing place we did visit some steaming hot springs in a barren area, amidst the tropical green where boiling hot water comes to the surface; in one large pool water was in a good boil in one place.  In this area (they are sulfur springs) sulphur was mined for a time.  We had an auto for our ride to both places which waited around between visits.  On right hand side of bay coming into Soufrière is a high rock (mountain) Petit Piton, that is a characteristic much photo'd land mark hereabouts.  We tried a few shots of it too, but best view was spoiled by one of intermittent [[strikethrough]] rain [[/strikethrough]] showers.  Upped anchor at 11:30 for Castries little farther along coast. 

[[underlined]] March 20 (cont'd) [[/underlined]]  Arr. in Castries at 2:15 p.m. in bright & very warm sunshing; most [[strikethrough]] modern [[/strikethrough]] up to date town yet seen, in light of buildings all new & modern.  This was result of a most disastrous fire that practically burned out the town (last ?) year.  Some times a disaster 

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