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39 - 41

Pages 39-41 inclusive [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] have been skipped, left to fill in later:  Covered our story in Tyrrell Bay Carriacou Id. where we arrived at 12:30 p.m. after leaving Grenada at 9.00 a.m., with Dr. Slominsky, on March 15

March 16 in collect in Tyrrell Bay again this a.m. leaving at 1 p.m. for Union Id under very squally and unruly weather, worst of trip.  For shelter dropped anchor in Chatham Bay on lee side of Union Id.  Terribly rough night boat pitched all night so that no one got much sleep.

On 17th got started at 9 a.m. making Tabago Cays two hrs later.  Windy day, but best collecting ground so far.  

Is hard to fill in gaps.
Hope to some day