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a stocky, jolly Frenchman here 25 years in charge of fisheries & fishery investigations.  We had rum punches on Club porch (plain but serviceable building) and discussed spiny lobsters, of which he had brought down three diff. species, said he knew of me, & of Miss Rathbun by way of specimens identified for him in past, and had Fenners key to identification of lobster tails.  So we were made very much at home.  And with him a [[strikethrough]] another [[/strikethrough]] smaller man Robert Widlund who looked as French as Morice but said he was a Swede explaining that in one part of Sweden they were small and dark haired.  From Blanche we learned that a Dr. Henri Stehle with whom Al Smith has corresponded had returned from France to Guadaloupe, & that there was hope that a field trip could be arranged.  If so we might stay couple of day there.  After the one round of drinks at Yacht Club we adjourned to Freelance to show them some of our collections.  Funny thing at Club we were telling of that winrow of crab larvae we had seen on the beach at Pigeon Id.  They brought out a small bottle of same thing taken same place, day after we got ours.  Their specimen were not as good as ours as they had been on beach for over 30 hrs.

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