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Thurs. March 29 Cnt'd

Rained hard in early a.m. before & after breakfast now clear & warm with good easterly wind.  A grand sailing day and sail we did all day sans engine, one of the few times we did.  Without losing sight of Dominica picked up the Saints and beyond Guadeloupe.  On way in passed promising looking reef and collecting ground that Fenner suggested might be the type locality of a number of Crustacea.  We got in at 4:15 p.m. & on the quay was Blanche who had come up from Martinique as he said he would and some others to take Al Smith to Stehle who lives here some 7 miles out of town.  Al & Clarke went ashore to be back for dinner;  it was 8:30 before they returned we had waited till 8.00, but cook fixed them up as well as he had us.

Fried ham with plantains on side, & pineapple (fried) rings on top.  Cauliflower au gratin, carrots in strips and green peas, onion soup to start, and cheese and half of apple pie left from yesterday for desert, coffee after if you wanted it, and rose wine with the meal.  It surprises me what these male island cooks can do;  also plans the menus, and varies food from day to day.  Kenneth pronounced here Kennet.