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Wednesday April 18, 1956.

At Skippers request called him at 10 to 6, about 7 we got underway leaving [[?]] behind, good weather, with [[?]]

Beautiful vista [[unspoilt?]] long before man spotted the [[?Caribe]] his former yacht on the [[?]] & as the Capt knew the present owner he talked to him on radio phone & she came up along side & we got pictures of her.  Interesting looking craft square stern & square ports.  Also old fashioned ship (schooner rig though).  3 p.m. a heavy tropic rain started, but we were not far from [[strikethrough]] came to [[/strikethrough]] the [[?winding]] channel through reef at Christiansted & Capt now worried because of poor visibility.  Though long [[?continued]] stopped before we had to [[?]] it.  In Conrad we came over in dead of night but then we had a fine search light.  After supper Capt & [[?May]] went ashore.  Rest of us did not feel like it & besides & had to wind these up for mailing.

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gotten a live one for Museum & for record purposes.  Must ask Capt to get one next time to id.

Got a number of leafy branches of yellow flowered plant our cook Kennet Potter said has antidote for fish poisoning.  Al has spe pressed so we can get sci name for it.  The bunch I am drying has quite an aromatic smell.  It is one of the succulent leaved, brittle stemed shrubs, of sandy shores.  Kennet says dry it and make tea to cure poisoning from eating poisonous fish.  He got a bunch ashore too & when I asked him why he got it he said it was good for colds too.  Well,, I hope to have some of analyzed at home.  Also would lik to try a bit of the tea made from leaves, from smell might be pleasant drink.  Wish now I'd gotten more.  

For Apr. 8 see page 93 before.