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[[stapled note]]
M. Galody - State Dept has nothing to show what the M. stands for. He was commissioned "M" Galody, as "commercial agent", Dec. 10, 1862 to July - 1865. He was born in Hungary - nothing to show whether he was U.S. Citizen. It is believed he must have been, & that [[/stapled note]]

Recd Oct. 14, '63

now on acct

Dec. 12/63
sent postage stamps for Bairds daughter 
(2 clippings) for you personall but not for the press

Feb. 27/64 [[?]]

Last week sent by Can Brig Fortuna 2 Big frogs and 12 beetles from Dominica.
give 6 of beetles to friend Ulke
will give him pleasure being insects of his mania.
How is friend [[F?]] I see his friend Dr. Hammod is in [[?]] what a pity

Pray don't write so fast as in order to understand your letters I must be able to read them Don't forget the English is a foreign tongue to me.