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   Dr. David H. Dunkle, associate curator of vertebrate paleontology, appeared on the WRC-TV program "Our World in Space" on Sunday, March 25.  Dr. Dunkle answered questions pertaining to the history of life after its first appearance on the earth.
   Dr. Frank H. H. Roberts, Bureau of American Ethnology, will appear on the same program at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 15.  His subject will be "The Age of Man."

   Mr. and Mrs. John A. Seitz were guests of honor in the Regents Room of the Smithsonian Building on the afternoon of March 27.  The occasion was a "send-off" for Mr. Seitz, who retired at the end of March after more than 24 years' service on the guard force of the Smithsonian.
   Mr. Seitz came to the Smithsonian in 1931 after retiring as a quartermaster sergeant in the marine corps.  He had been assigned to the east door of the S. I. Building since 1937.
   Dr. Carmichael presented Mr. Seitz with a "Smithsonian Card" designed by Mr. Hellyer of the International Exchange Service and upon which were printed the names of the guard's many friends who contributed to a gift in token of their esteem.  In making the presentation, the Secretary stated that Mr. Seitz had been a faithful guardian of the east door, having escorted many visitors to his office and always having the ability to locate any member of the staff.
   Mrs. Seitz was presented with an orchid corsage.
   The couple is planning to live in Florida and will move there shortly.

   The Smithsonian Institution Employees Credit Union now has 700 members and assets of $149,000.
   There are 144 credit unions in the District of Columbia.  These credit unions have 155,000 members and assets of $36 million.
   The Detroit Teachers Credit Union, with 12,500 members, has passed the $20 million mark, making it the largest credit union in America in assets.  The largest number of members is the New York Municipal with 42,000; it has $12 million in assets.

   Following are excerpts taken from a syndicated column by Jane Eads which appeared in the Plainfield (N.J.) Courier-News and many other papers on February 29.
   "The recent marriage of Margaret Brown and Frank Klapthor has given each of the two museums two curators for the price of one.  Shop talk and exchange of ideas